  • Global Settings:
  • Distance service type enabled.
  • Custom color scheme.
  • Business hours limited to 08:00–17:00.
  • Currency set to EUR.
  • Step #1:
  • Pickup location limited to France only.
  • Drop-off location limited to Paris airports.
  • Transfer type limited to One way.
  • Icons in form fields enabled.
  • Extra time option disabled.
  • Geolocation enabled.
  • Step #2:
  • The default vehicle is defined.
  • Step turned off.
  • Step #3:
  • Billing details visible by default.
  • The default country is set to France.
  • Custom Flight details form fields.
  • Payment method set to Stripe only.
  • Payment method selected by default.
  • Step #4:
  • Driver gratuity enabled.
  • Step #5:
  • Thank You Page disabled. Customer is redirected immediately (after sending the booking) to the payment gateway.
REISTIJD 0 h 0 m
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